Storymakers is an Erasmus + Project

Hammersmith and Fulham

LBHF is a local authority in West London, providing services and information for residents, local businesses, and the local community. The authority serves a number of deprived communities, working across sectors, helping to provide synergies across all fields of actions concerning young people. We work with local businesses and third sector organisations (BBC Studios, The Arts + Entertainment Network, The Lyric Theatre, Imperial College, Royal College of Art and others) to source and train volunteers who work with young people at risk in a variety of ways. For example, project work, information sessions, one to one support and curriculum based activities. This work ties in with Government priorities to ensure that all young people have the opportunity and guidance to help them with their future decisions.

Teatr Grodzki

Bielskie Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne TEATR GRODZKI (The Bielsko Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre) was founded in 1999 in the town of Bielsko-Biala, Silesia Region, Poland. In 2004 TEATR GRODZKI obtained an industrial heritage building from the Mayor of Bielsko-Biala (four floors, 2000 m2). The Association has established a Vocational Rehabilitation Unit there: a printing house and a bookbindery, where 40 people with disabilities are employed. Occupational Therapy Workshop was also opened in the building providing a day care unit for 30 disabled persons. The Association employs around 100 people every year and serves the needs of around 500 disadvantaged beneficiaries every month.

Teatr Grodzki works with socially excluded groups bringing together artists, pedagogues, culture promoters and entrepreneurs, It delivers local, regional, national and international projects for children, teenagers, adults and the elderly from the socially excluded groups, including physically and mentally disabled persons, families at risk, young offenders, victims of alcohol and drug addictions, unemployed, and all those alienated from the mainstream of social and cultural life.

Faculdade de Motricidade/ Universidade de Lisboa

Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (FMH) / Universidade de Lisboa (UL) is the largest and most prestigious university in Portugal and it is one of Europe’s leading universities. Notwithstanding assessment methods or criteria, UL also leads the main international rankings and is amongst the 200 best universities worldwide.

Heir to an academic tradition that spans over seven centuries, UL acquired its current status in July 2013, following the merger of the former Universidade Técnica de Lisboa and Universidade de Lisboa. Located in the heart of the city of Lisbon, it provides its entire community with the best and most diverse academic programmess, vowing to deliver a uniquely enriching experience.

UL is responsible for making the city of Lisbon one of the great European capitals of culture and science, as welcomes more than 7000 foreign students every year – about 14,5% of the total number of students – from over 100 countries, who are seeking high-quality education as well as a different culture, delightful weather and the hospitality that Lisbon, and Portugal, have to offer. Bringing together various academic fields, UL has a privileged position for enabling the contemporary evolution of science, technology, arts and humanities.

UL´s quality of teaching, research, innovation, and its culture, are attracting an ever-increasing amount of talent from around the World.

The Faculty of Human Kinetics (FMH) is part of the University of Lisbon, the largest Portuguese university with 18 schools, about 50,000 students and 4,000 faculty members, 2,500 technical staff persons, and 400 degree courses. UL is the most prestigious Portuguese university, and a leading European higher education institution and hosts over a thousand foreign students. FMH covers a wide range of study areas of interest to various sectors of society, with 5 Undergraduate Courses, 15 Master’s Courses & 2 Doctoral degrees (Human Movement & Education). FMH has several partnerships with universities, public and private entities, developing relationships in the scientific and pedagogical fields. Its courses and graduate programs cover the areas of human development, motor behaviour, self-regulatory processes, and ageing mechanisms are studied in order to promote health and well-being, as well as performance improvement within the family, community, education, health, employment, and sports.


SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Ltd is a pioneering organisation which initiates and implements projects of positive social impact, with a focus on social inclusion in the fields of youth empowerment, entrepreneurship, migrant integration, sustainable development. SYNTHESIS is one of the leading institutions in the country in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social innovation. It founded and manages HUB NICOSIA , an educational centre and a community of organisations with cultural, environmental and social aims. It also runs the SOCIAL CAFE, a unique initiative aiming at the empowerment of migrants and refugees. Our main target groups/ beneficiaries is youth (including NEET), youth workers, adults, elderly, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, women, people with fewer opportunities with and without disabilities.

SYNTHESIS runs exclusive Units on Youth and adult learning, Migrant Integration, Social Entrepreneurship Support, School Education, Research and Policy, and VET and enterprise. Working closely with stakeholders across the country and Europe, we bring innovation and creativity, through digital, online, mobile tools as well as face to face approach. In this way we enable the balance between knowledge (hard skills) and interpersonal skills empowering every individual. We develop and implement projects and provide tools and methods that meet social needs, create social relationships and form new collaborations to prevent social exclusion of vulnerable groups